During Alisha’s death defying Broadtown mission she released her catcher at two thousand feet and soared down into a cross wind, somehow managing to stay upright on her slats even as she tossed blasters to take out ten concussion launchers, a tank, and everyone in the Czech field command tent. She even managed to without crashing. Still, she had no hope of surviving, for she headed straight to the Cully River, thick with meat-eaters.
At the time however, everyone believed she had died by meat-eaters in the Cully River. But miraculously she survived.
And now she discovers that after the Broadtown battle, Jack (Colonel Sparks) sent out men to locate and retrieve Alisha’s wind-catcher. This is fabulous news. She has made so many modifications to her catcher that she is relieved she won’t have to start from scratch and try to re-create the same masterpiece twice.
What Jack doesn’t tell her until later is that it is in need of repairs. But even if she has to begin with a new windcatcher, having the old one will ensure she modifies it the same.
So she is thrilled that Jack took the time to rescue it.

By Liza O’Connor
Alisha Kane, the Corps’ best flyer, is promoted to colonel, in charge of teaching the Corp’s SkyRyders her extraordinary flying maneuvers. The man she loves, Logan, continues to place the Corps first and insists they both remain focused on their work. For Alisha, this means ferreting out the best flyers in a Corps that has systematically forced great flyers into mediocrity. Logan focuses on learning Alisha’s flying techniques so that he can become the hero the East Coast desperately needs. The result includes fractured ribs and broken hearts, but through it all they never relinquish their love of the Corps.
Alisha sighed, handing the jacket back to him. “I’ll go get my flight suit…ah shit! My catcher!” She had disconnected her catcher at a thousand feet before taking her suicide-bombing run behind the concussion launchers. She’d never find it this late. It had probably blown across three states by now.
“It’s in my jeep outside. As soon as the battle was contained, I sent a squad out to recover it.”
“Even though you didn’t think I survived?” she asked, pleased by the gesture.
Evidently, Colonel Logan had reached his breaking point and for the first time in the last hour, he spoke. “Of course he retrieved your catcher. Even if you were gone, we could still learn and improve our flying techniques by studying your alterations. He wasn’t being kind, Alisha. He was doing his job.”
The SkyRyder’s Series, Book 2
Scavenger Falters
The SkyRyder’s Series, Book 1
Scavenger’s Mission
The Multiverse Series
Sci-Fi Soap Opera with humor, romance, and science
The Gods of Probabilities
Surviving Outbound
Surviving Terranue
Surviving Sojourn
Artificial Intelligence Series
Public Secrets
Birth of Adam
The SkyRyders Series
Sci-Fi Romance
Scavenger’s Mission
Scavenger Falters
Scavenger Vanishes-coming 2017
Click here For ALL Novels by Liza
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