Needless to say, I got really excited when Kobo--one of Amazon's competitors--made a recent change to its subscription program, KoboPlus. They opened it up to U.S. and UK readers!
What is Kobo+? It works like KU, except authors are not required to be exclusive to Kobo.
What's in it for readers? To start, the monthly subscription fee is only $7.99 (for either ebooks, or for audiobooks.) Or both ebook & audio for $9.99. Also, they have a free reading app available (for Android, Apple, or Desktop: Windows & Mac) Ereaders are also available, if preferred.
But the best news is, ALL MY BOOKS ARE NOW AVAILABLE ON KOBO+! Yes, including my newly released Silverstar Mates boxed set!
So, my vivacious U.S./UK reader-peeps, you do not have to despair that my books aren't available on KU because now you can read them for free through Kobo+!