Anyway, Alisha didn't arrive at my place like most people do--on horseback or by surface skimmer. The way she swooped in, whew! No one in New Damon Beach is gonna forget that anytime soon!
Alisha: It’s called a wind-catcher, only mine is far superior than the ones that SkyRyders use.
SIMONE: What are SkyRyders?
Alisha: Sorry, I forgot my time zone is almost a hundred years in the future. After the terror wars resulted in all oil fields being nuclear bombed, lots of stuff happened. The water levels rose twenty feet. The oceans became impossible to traverse. Oh wait, I have a picture of the ocean that I took while flying here.
Alisha: Yeah, it’s so bad that the sharks have migrated into our rivers. Worse, yet, ships can’t travel the seas anymore, so all continents are on their own again. That creates a lot of hardships. On the bright side, stationary hurricanes settled over 90% of what’s left of land mass, which we call The Americas.
SIMONE: You think stationary hurricanes fall on the ‘bright side of things’?
Alisha: Well, 80 years ago I’m sure people were unhappy that their houses blew away and the crops were devastated, but those who survived built wind farms to provide energy and rebuilt houses to withstand the winds. And our Airforce tasked the pilots to learn to fly these 50 to 200 mile an hour winds so they could keep our country protected…Looting was out of control back then. My Gramps was one of very first SkyRyders. A lot of pilots died trying to learn how to handle the winds with an army parachute. Turns out the original parachute needed major modification to be able to safely fly. In my opinion, there is still room for major improvement. In fact, I expect I’ll be improving my catcher as long as I live.
SIMONE: Wow! You’re like SuperGirl with a chute. Maybe we should get you a cape and call you Parachute Girl.
Alisha: Please don’t.
The SkyRyder’s Series, Book 1
By Liza O’Connor
Meet Alisha: A young woman who refuses to live the life her parents want.
In a single month, Alisha Kane has gone from a wealthy debutante to street girl to scavenger. While testing her new flying skills in the Cully Canyon, Alisha incurs a near-death crash landing. She’s “rescued” by a colonel of the SkyRyders and her life changes forever.
Meet Logan: A SkyRyder colonel in charge of a sleepy fort with little to do other than arrest the occasional scavenger.
For the first time in his life, Logan’s attracted to a young woman, only she’s probably a scavenger and he’ll have to arrest her. But first he offers her a shower and food while he checks on his crew. His videographer has captured her extraordinary flight through the Cully and her flying is astounding!
He forgoes arresting her and puts his career at risk by asking MAC to assess her skills and integrity as a potential SkyRyder. If he can get Alisha into the SkyRyders, it will be his greatest contribution to the Corps.
Meet MAC: The Artificial Intelligence that runs the SkyRyders Corps.
Upon seeing her arrival, MAC upgrades Alisha’s test. Her flying skills are not just excellent; they exceed what was previously thought possible. MAC classifies her as its top asset and soon she proves her value.
But…the SkyRyders remain a male dominated Corps where Alisha’s sense of right and wrong often clashes with her superiors. How long can a rebellious young woman survive in a regimented Corps?
“And he says he’s Daniel Kane.”
“He is Daniel Kane, Riley. Alisha wears his flight suit. It’s how I tracked her down, and found him as well. Besides, I spent several hours listening to his old flight stories. He’s the real thing.”
“Damn!” Riley exclaimed. “No wonder you think this girl can fly. Do you know he’s the standard MAC uses to assess flyers? He’s the best we’ve ever had. We fed all his flight videos into the program. No one has ever exceeded the standard set by him.”
“Well, whatever he had, it’s genetic.”
“You know, I wasn’t scheduled to be on-site tomorrow, but I’ve suddenly changed my mind. I’ve gotta see this girl.”
“Will you be running the test?” Logan asked.
“I am now!” Riley assured him.
“Tell her the landing doesn’t count,” Logan requested, keeping his voice low enough that Alisha wouldn’t hear.
“You know it does.”
“Yes, but tell her it doesn’t. Otherwise, she could permanently injure her knee. She won’t need the landing to pass. Trust me.”
Investigate these sites:
Liza's Blog and Website
The Multiverse Series
Sci-Fi Soap Opera with humor, romance, and science
The Gods of Probabilities
Surviving Outbound
Surviving Terranue
Surviving Sojourn
Artificial Intelligence Series
Public Secrets
Birth of Adam
The SkyRyders Series
Sci-Fi Romance
Scavenger’s Mission
Scavenger Falters-coming 2017
Scavenger Vanishes-coming 2017