Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Roses are Pink,
Our books are too;
We're fighting breast cancer,
With a little help from you!
"Like so many other people, cancer has touched my family. My mother-in-law had many bouts with lung cancer before it finally metastasized and took her from us. My mom and grandmother survived breast cancer. My dad had a tumor removed from his shoulder. And I survived ovarian cancer when I was nineteen. I’m honored to be a part of The Future is Pink! with these amazing authors. I’ve watched too many people fight this disease. Some have won, and some have lost. We need a lot more wins."
Cara Bristol
"Three of my four aunts had cancer (two died). My best friend who was like a sister to me died at age 54, four months after being diagnosed. We were supposed to become two old ladies drinking tea and playing Scrabble in our golden years! Off the top of my head, I can count of twenty people I know personally who’ve had cancer. They say heart disease is the No. 1 killer, but I know way more people who have had cancer than people who’ve had heart attacks. Cancer is my number one fear. The survivors give me hope. I would like everyone to survive. But then, I’d like no one to get cancer in the first place."
Tasha Black
"My grandmother died of breast cancer before I was born, leaving behind her four children - a tragedy that defined my aunts' & uncle's childhoods. She was a music teacher and beloved by everyone who knew her. I’ve spent my life chasing after clues to get to know her as well as I can through the stories that her children and friends like to tell about her big heart and her dry sense of humor. I know she’d be so happy to know that we’re working together to contribute to the fight so that one day no more wonderful women will be lost! Thank you for being part of the effort!"
T. M. Slay
"I’ve lost a grandfather to lung cancer, 2 grandmothers to breast cancer, and last month, actually, lost my godmother to stage 4 pancreatic cancer. I personally, have battled endometrial, cervical, and intrauterine cancer for 3 years, then 2 years ago, I fought thyroid cancer which ended with the removal of my thyroid. I am forever thankful for the reasearch and strides that have been made in the area of cancer treatments. Regardless of the cancer which is being studied, ALL cancers will benefit from any cure or treatment discovered. I’m so thankful to belong to this group of ladies who are banding together with the specific intent to help rid the world of the horrendous disease of cancer in all it’s forms. And we’re doing it in a really awesome way too! Thank you, ladies. You may help to save my daughter or grandchild one day. The future looks bright! Bright Pink!"
Monica LaPorta
"In the last few years, two of my dearest friends lost their battle against cancer. I watched them fight with all their might, their minds alert as their bodies betrayed them. It was heartbreaking and inspiring. They were the strongest women I’ve ever known and left a legacy of love. I’m honored to be part of The Future is Pink! And I thank you from the bottom of my heart for carrying the fight my friends and millions of women must confront every day. United, we can find the cure!"
Annie Nicholas
"I have worked in the health care system for over 25 years. Cancer does not discriminate. Young or old, rich or poor, good or evil. Cancer touches everyone like no other disease and nothing gives me more hope than banding with others to help fund research to find a cure. Every small step will help lead to that discovery."
K. M. Fawcett
"In 2014 my doctor found a lump in my breast. At first, I was confused. How could there be a lump? I had no family history of breast cancer and no risk factors other than being a woman. Unfortunately, there have been other types of cancers in my family so trying to remain calm until the biopsy results came back proved difficult for this writer with a vivid imagination. I won't lie. I was scared. When they told me the biopsy was benign, I cried with relief. Unfortunately, not all stories have a happy ending, which is why I chose to join the Future is Pink! project and help raise money for breast cancer research. I am grateful for this opportunity to do a small part in the fight for a cure. Thank you for supporting our project. Together we can make a difference!"
Crystal Dawn
"I believe people in a position to help should. I also believe every person, especially women, should be involved in the fight to eradicate breast cancer. On a more personal note, my great aunt had breast cancer and she had a double mastectomy in her sixties. We have come so far in the fight against this terrible disease, but we have farther to go. So many amazing women have been lost and suffered, but we can help them. Thank you all for participating in this effort. Just think pink!"
Rosalie Redd
"A good friend of mine pulled me aside at work one day to let me know she had breast cancer. At the time, she had a sixteen-year-old daughter and twin fourteen-year-old sons. Watching her go through treatments, lose her hair, yet battle with her entire heart and soul was a profound experience. She had much to live for, and fortunately, she was a survivor and is now cancer free. Medical research and treatment options are so vitally important to provide a chance for other women to have happy endings as well. Thank you for helping support the cause. The future is bright and pink!"