A nightmare of galactic proportions...
One normal day turns into horror when Earth is attacked. Now ER nurse Alexandra Bock is imprisoned aboard an alien slave ship with no way out. She deems all aliens untrustworthy, including the handsome blue-skinned Matiran captain who shares her cell.
A betrayal from within...
One night of treachery leaves Senior Captain Gryf Helyg a prisoner of his enemies. Because of him, Earth’s inhabitants face extinction and his home world is threatened. But his plans for escape are complicated by his inexplicable draw to the Earth woman imprisoned with him.
A chance to save both their peoples...
One ancient prophecy holds the key to free Alexandra and Gryf’s war-ravaged worlds. Can two wounded souls who have lost everything learn to trust and forgive in order to fulfill the prophecy, and find a love that will last for eternity?
Captain lowered his hands to his side.
“You...you’re an alien.” A hint of red heat curled to life deep inside her, like the edge of a newspaper being lit for a campfire. How dare he trick her into thinking he was human!
He nodded slowly. “To you, yes.”
“Oh, God.” She flexed her fingers at her side and fixed him with a hard glare. “Do you have any idea how many people I watched die today? I don’t even know if my family is alive. My home, everything I ever knew, has been destroyed. Aliens did that.” Aliens no one knew existed before today.
Captain’s brows furrowed above wary eyes, and he tilted his head to one side. An errant curl of snow-white hair shifted onto his forehead. High cheekbones accented his patrician nose, like an ancient Greek statue come to life. A lapis statue with at least a week’s worth of white beard.
“You are correct, Alexandra,” he said. “The responsibility for the near annihilation of your people is mine.”
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