Fander turned back to her, his expression like stone and Flora nearly took a step backward. Where was all the warmth from a moment ago? “Not all my people will be as convinced as I of your innocence. As the last heir of all Anferthians I represent them, and in their name, I challenge you, Flora of Terr, to the ratig’a combat.”
The court room roared to life with voices. Her mouth dropped open. The ratig’a combat? Was he crazy?
The Minister rose from his chair, his face alight with hope. “To the death?”
Of course, that would be what the minister wanted, and it probably did not matter whose death either. Each would benefit the big blowhard.
Fander turned his head a fraction, his gaze still locked with Flora’s. “To the satisfaction, Minister.”
“There has been more than enough death between our peoples, Minister. It is not a war with Terr that I’m looking for, merely the appeasement of honor.”
“So, I don’t get to kill you?” That was a stupid thing to say, but the words were out of her mouth before her brain could analyze the wisdom of saying them.
One of Fander’s eyebrows winged upward. “Do you accept my challenge, Flora of Terr?”
She gave a very unladylike snort. “Bring it, Fander of Anferthia.”
Her enemy turns out to be more than she expected.

Flora Bock will never forgive the Anferthian invaders for murdering her birth-parents. Growing up with the grandson of her sworn enemies is living a nightmare—until the day she sees him through the eyes of a young woman. But giving her heart to him is the ultimate betrayal of her parents’ memory.
A life in peril…
There are precious few places in the galaxy where Fander K’nil is safe. One look into Flora’s beautiful, hate-filled eyes is proof enough that Terr is not one of those places. He must keep her at a distance and stay alive long enough to fulfill his destiny. No matter what his heart desires.
An empire at stake…
Just as Fander and Flora begin to discover the depth of their feelings for each other, they are thrust into a deadly game of politics and assassination with an enemy who stops at nothing to stay in power. With the lives of everyone they love at risk, they must find a way to avert a new invasion before it’s too late—even if it means making the ultimate sacrifice.